Current fitness level

Little time travel from last entry might make you wonder what is my fitness level today. If I was to say it remained unchanged in those years I would lie. About 5yrs ago a friend of mine gave me a basketball wrapped in a newspaper as somewhat of a gag gift since I am huge fan and, at the time, horrible at the game. How bad was I at my first attempt at cardio? First game I played -my cardio lasted for about 5min. I barely made of the court to grasp for air and lay down. Man that Kobe kid makes it look easy… I have since went on to play a game here and there while trying to make it more frequent. Up to a 1 year ago my average was 2 times a month…nothing to even be mentioned let alone bragged about.

During this last year I worked up to avg. 2x week to be fair. I have continued my lifestyle of eating habits and after every game, within the minutes, sucking up a cigarette…still smoking avg. 1 pack a day.

This, my friends, was and is the only exercise I do. Does playing Xbox count here?

About 5-6 months ago I quit smoking after 16yrs of puffing. Cold turkey. Since this is not a blog about this nasty habit I will leave at it that. Still smoke free. So how did I look after the smoke cleared? Not bad really…not great but not that bad comparatively speaking. Looking and being in healthy shape are two very different things!

In the right corner, wearing red shorts with black stripes…

What are my ‘stats’? I don’t know quite yet but I do know that P90X has a “Fitness Test” so I will share those later. What I can share is that from childhood I been told “Eat…east…you are so skinny”. Most of my life I stood 6’1″ tall holding avg. 175 lbs. After quitting smoking and eating home-made food for 3 of out those 5 months I gained some weight…ehm..I guess I can gain weight :). Today I am smoke free with new set of lungs I have not felt in YRS and weigh in @ 198 lbs last time I checked.

Another excuse of ‘slow gainer’ is taken away so it is time to see how healthy and in shape I can really get when I dedicate myself to a planned exercise  such as P90X. I have had this program for more than a year but never given it a try…until now.

What do I know about P90X?

As many of you, I have seen the infomercials and have ‘googled’ enough to know that program is not a joke and that people who commit have had great results. I have skimmed through the nutrition plan and realized that it will be accredited as high as 80% of the program while exercise itself for 20%.  To some of you this might be encouraging but for someone like me who knows zero about nutrition…well, it means a type of work I have never done before. I don’t even eat breakfast as the most important meal of the day – so they say. So nutrition will be tough while working out 6 days out of week will be kamikaze approach to fitness.  When it comes to food and I am starved or forced to eat something I don’t like…one would think I have completed P90X already or that I need an anger management class.

Knowing yourself is 1/2 of battle at any circumstances.

So for the last week I have adjusted my heating habits just to get some ‘taste’ as I don’t want to jump into this program and find out I am depleting my nutrition and end up demoralizing myself. So I have went from no breakfast and eating fast food for lunch to actually taking a note of what I eat. Another trick I played on my self is placed a 28 ounce (3.3 cups) bottle at my desk and made it a task to drink 2 of them before leaving work. I do like water…I do appreciate what it does for me so it is not something I have to ‘force down’. Without reading anything from the Nutrition Guide that came with P90X I ventured of to ‘do my best’ and make healthier choices based on common sense. I am not a nutritionist so I used a free service from to calculate my fuel. Really cool service and it comes with an app for a smart-phone so it makes the life little easier.

Here is a sample of 1 day worth of effort:

pre p90x nutrition

Notice that my “goal” was really just a value picked based on average 2000 cal diet and me keeping on the current weight rather than being my goal. The above is barely a min. of what I should intake if I do NOT work out so I am not sure what the amounts should be as I start but I hope that P90X nutrition guide will help adjust this.

Can I do this AND MORE for 90 days?


Bruce Lee - there will be blood!
courtesy of Google Images

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