Fit Test
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P90X (Power 90 Extreme) is a fitness program designed to be performed at comfort of your home and with its boot-camp style deliver improved fitness within just 90 days. It is advertised under a claim of fame that anyone can be absolutely ripped in just 90 days. Program is designed around the concept of ‘muscle…
DAY 1: I took a day off…give me a break…literally, but will do it next round. DAY 90: With a mix of few Rest days and Stretch I have to say that there was only a few times I felt needing the extra stretching. There are a few moves that are truly handy and can…
DAY 1: This workout I liked, working on legs is something I can apply the moment I roll out of the bed so I liked it. Most of the workout is done with a small weights 10-15lbs. Ab Ripper X, this time I participated about 70% of the time stopped with 1:30 left on DVD….
Diet, being the key factor to healthy living was also one of my bigger issues and not knowing much about nutrition and healthy food was demoralizing. Luckily, Nutrition Guide is included with P90X and it is staged as choice of two types of healthy diets.
DAY 1: Ok, so not to most easiest workout to follow…about 20min in and I was frustrated but I tagged along. I stopped the dvd with 34min left on it. This is one looooong session. Man am I inflexible, this workout made me feel like a Frankenstein. Truth be told, they go way too fast…
DAY 1: I had to push pause for every 3rd switch of workout and wait for my heart rate to drop from 145 down to 135 before I could pickup again. Alternatively from stopping I would let 5-10 seconds run out before starting to tag along. I remember thinking…I hope they throw in a 2-3min…