
3. Shoulders & Arms

DAY 1:

I was a quite tired and sore from the Monday workout that I did not know what this round of upper body will bring. Not bad at all, I hung in there pretty good but I only had a red band and no free weights so reps are relative to my form. I can tell that my left side  under shoulder blade an outward was a the most sore sport….damn you pull-ups! I won’t be holding my hands behind my head as I ‘kick back’ that is for sure.

Ab Ripper X…yes, the Grim Ripper came back for some more belly fat….my winter stash of goods. This time around I actually participated and did all but except 2 workouts. I did not count but I would say 5-10 reps out of 25 suggested per workout. My form was horrible since I just about busted laughing during the workout just thinking about how little I can do. Difference being, I DID some of them. Laying on the floor was rewarding LOL.

Good day considering I was sore it still left me motivated.

DAY 90:

Not really too strenuous (maybe increase weights and lower reps?) at this point but how well I go through it is still influenced by Chest & Back day. I am not sure that I need this many sets and variations for what seem to be a very small group of arm muscles. At one point it starts to feel like a race with a clock just to jam in more workouts under that 1hr mark. Never the less, it offers something different for upper body using free weights/bands rather than a pull-up bar.

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