
2. Plyometrics

DAY 1: I had to push pause for every 3rd switch of workout and wait for my heart rate to drop from 145 down to 135 before I could pickup again. Alternatively from stopping I would let 5-10 seconds run out before starting to tag along. I remember thinking…I hope they throw in a 2-3min…


4. Yoga X

DAY 1: Ok, so not to most easiest workout to follow…about 20min in and I was frustrated but I tagged along. I stopped the dvd with 34min left on it. This is one looooong session. Man am I inflexible, this workout made me feel like a Frankenstein. Truth be told, they go way too fast…


5. Legs & Back

DAY 1: This workout I liked, working on legs is something I can apply the moment I roll out of the bed so I liked it. Most of the workout is done with a small weights 10-15lbs. Ab Ripper X, this time I participated about 70% of the time stopped with 1:30 left on DVD….


6. Kenpo X

DAY 1: The easiest so far for me since I am used to be on my feet and running around. Never the less, HR at 155 is not too bad at all, I wish I could have straightened my legs more…some day. Also, yoga mat was nothing but in the way so the idea to…